What is a lymphatic massage and why do I need it?
A manual drainage massage that helps to move the fluid that’s built up and allows it to move back into the lymphatic passages where excess waste and fluid can be flushed from the body. Preventing fibrosis, which is development of thick, fibrous scar tissue under the skin as well as reduces swelling and bruising. Many need it right after they’ve performed a surgical procedure to recover.
How to I know if I qualify? If you’ve had any of the following:
Brazilian Butt lift (BBL)
Tummy tuck/abdominoplasty
Fat transfer
Arm/leg lift
Breast augmentation

What is Body Contouring?
It is a natural cosmetic procedure that helps to shape the body and eliminate fat in a natural way. The tools used for this process are wood therapy, cavitation, and radiofrequency.
Body Treatments we offer:
Reductive massages
Radio frequency
Wood therapy
Vacuum therapy
Electro-stimulation therapy
Lymphatic massage
Helps detoxify the body
Stretch mark reduction
Shapes the body
Skin tightening
Burns fat
Cellulite reduction
Relocates fat
Stimulates the lymphatic system
Immediate results